Mike “Dr. Doom” Harris


Mike Harris


Dr. Doom


Software Engineer




Durham, NC

Home Field(s)

Black River

Playing Since


Playing Style

Ground pounder with an occasional tendency to “berserk”

Marker of Choice

Worr Autococker for semi and SHO Sniper II for pump

Team Position

Cannonsmith and DBD Tech Guy - Dr. Doom of the world famous Doomlabs

Greatest Triumph

Shot 20 guys with nothing more than a blow gun and old paint.  Oh…they all had angels too.  And night vision.  Yeah…that’s it….

Most Embarrassing Moment

Elimination with two man teams.  Our cover sucks, the horn blows, the shots ring in.  I barrel roll left and into a creek up to my neck in water!  “Where’d he go?  Mike?  Mike?”

Words of Wisdom

“As you age, avoid ruining any reputations you may have acquired when you were young and fit!”

Background Highlights

Do people really want to know this?


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